LA-iMageS LA·iMageS


LA-iMageS v1.1.5 downloads
Windows users
64 bit installer
32 bit installer
Download and run the installation wizard.
64 bit distribution
32 bit distribution
Download, uncompress and execute the run.bat file to run LA-iMageS.
Linux users
64 bit distribution
32 bit distribution
Download, uncompress and execute the file to run LA-iMageS.
Mac OS X users
Mac OS X distribution Download, uncompress and execute the run.command file to run LA-iMageS.
Coin dataset Size: 0.112 MB
Seed dataset Size: 0.100 MB
Source code is available at the official GitHub's repository.

Version history (downloads for old releases are availble here)

v1.1.5 (31.01.2017)
  • Fix a bug ocurred when a datased containing a standard element containing values equal to 0 is loaded.
v1.1.4 (29.11.2016)
  • Fix Mac OS X portable version so that it can be properly executed using the run.command. It was noticed that previous releases could not be executed due to a wrong version of the embedded JRE.
v1.1.3 (24.11.2016)
  • Fix Load Analysis and Load Dataset operations so that they only accept files and directories, respectively.
  • Fix a typo in the help.
v1.1.2 (14.11.2016)
  • Fix initial directory for file choosers (use user home instead of installation directory).
v1.1.1 (05.11.2016)
  • Fix Linux and Mac OS run scripts so that they use the embedded Java JRE to run the application.
v1.1.0 (17.10.2016)
  • Increase font size.
  • Fix Custom range feature so that a custom range can be defined for each single element.